4th Asia Pacific Conference on Interdisciplinary Research (ACPIR 2021)

September 27-29, 2021
Via Zoom Teleconferencing
Theme: “Research Productivity in Challenging Times”

The organization believes that the Conference will provide an opportunity for you to grow and acquire the knowledge, skills, and perspectives you will need, like new discoveries in research, forge collaboration with researchers and will get cross-pollinated. The conference gives due recognition to great achievement of individuals and institutions in the production, utilization and promotion of research.

The Asian Association for Interdisciplinary Research, Inc. (AAIR) is inviting you to join the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Interdisciplinary Research (APCIR 2021) with the theme: “Research Productivity in Challenging Times” on September 27-29, 2021 via Zoom Teleconferencing.

The objectives are 1. to disseminate new research results during the pandemic; 2. to share research reviews to the scientific community; and 3. to learn research skills for the studies in the new normal.


Social Science
Agricultural Research
Business and Management
Graft and Corruption
Science and Technology
Health Science
Philosophy and Religion
Action Research
Inter and Multidisciplinary Studies, among others.

Submit a 200 to 210-words abstract (with a list of references in Microsoft Word) with five parts: (1) introduction of the topic; (2) chief purpose; (3) methods; (4) results; and (5) conclusion with keywords having four parts: (1) discipline of the study; (2) concepts investigated; (3) methods and process, (4) geography (country/continent). It must be accompanied by updated curriculum vitae (for awards purposes), 2x2 photo, ORCID number from orcid.org, name of institution, and institution logo, and Orcid from https://orcid.org/register.

To register, please click here. The deadline for submission of confirmation will be on September 22, 2021 (Wednesday). For more details, please contact us at 0917-703-9331.

Early submissions of abstracts are greatly appreciated.

Conference Fees:
Paper Presentation: 4,000.00 php
Observer Rate: 1,500.00 PHP
Extra Paper Presentation: 1,500.00 php

Jhonny B. Labunog
Conference Specialist